Rabu, 29 Februari 2012

Surprising February

This is my month! I said that because yess there are much sureprise in this month but, I will tell u the most surprising moment in my life. In my life. My entire life.
I've been married for about 3 mounth, I never thought about having a baby, I just let it flow. Different with my husband, he is very very concerned about pregnancy, he wish for a baby very much. I never takes KB or any way to postponed my pregnancy. But, for my 3 months marriage there is no sign thats shows my pregnancy. I took a pregnancy test almost every month and I always found one strip.
Until this february, I was late for one week late so I decided to use my test pack stock from my cupboard (hehhee.. yess I have some test pack stock on my cupboard) and taraaaaaa... I see two strips!

(picture taken from here)

I don't know how to express what I feel that day. lil bit shock. for a second I think Im too young to have a baby.. but for the next second I think this is miracle. this is the gift from Alloh. MasyaAlloh.. Subhanalloh.. there is a lil cute baby growing in my stomach.. :')
I told that two strips to my husband and see how happy he is, and I send the two strips picture to my mother and he very thankful to Alloh for her first grandchild.
thats an awesome day. 
Sometimes I feel shame to tell my friend about my pregnancy, I dont have any friend that have same experience life as me. I feel different. I feel they won't understand what I need, what I feel, and how my life goes on. This isn't bad being different like this. I feel all this happines earlier than most of my friend. When they still studying, still seeking for a job, still galau with their love, I've passed all of that moment, and being very fast to run my life. Sometimes they make a joke about my life that I think its not funny anymore. Sometimes they being lebayy, and the other that dont know me much show amazed face when they heard what happend in my life. Like I growing old too fast, I dont really like it. 
The other surprise is my job. Now, I start working in Ditjen Bea Cukai, for the first time I was very happy being an employee in Ditjen Bea Cukai, when I visited the central office I was shock watching the BC's people doing military exercise, not only for a man but also woman! the first thing flew in my head is my lovely baby.. How can I do that with my pregnancy. May the management have any wisdom to me not to do that. :)

oiya once more, for my English, CMIIW yaaaa...

4 komentar:

  1. oooyyyyyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  2. heheee... mari kita bebenah diri auntyyyy! jangan sampe si dedek tau kelakuan kita selama ini hehhee..

  3. Oyiiii,,, selamaaaattt... :)
    Mudah2an dpt menjalani kehamilan dgn lancar dan bahagia. Aamiin..

    Visit ke blog aku yah.. andhikalady.blogspot.com



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